Ninguém se conhece :
"Aqui só deve ter doido."
Não se espera nada menos em uma sala de
espera de psiquiatria.
Não se espera nada menos em uma sala de
espera de psiquiatria.
Todos se olham na fútil esperança de identificar a loucura alheia
-Não seria mais prudente olhar o próprio umbigo neste caso?
São 10:25, tem 5 pessoas na minha frente e minha consulta era as 10:15. O médico ainda não chegou. Parabéns dr Filipe!!!
A loucura, segundo Foucault, é uma alusão a ausência de normalidade e conformidade. Além da ausência de razão. Em Vigiar e punir, podemos perceber a transição da sociedade disciplinar pra sociedade de vigilância. Onde os panópticos sociais, arquitetura de prisão faz com que trabalhemos voluntariamente para amos que nos escravizarão. É pior que a escravidão e servidão antigas pois voluntariamente trabalhamos pra quem não queremos em serviços que não gostamos pra comprar coisas que não desejamos pra agradar pessoas que não amamos.
Isso é loucura.
As instituições disciplinares controlam nosso tempo e nossos corpos, e permitimos!
"Não devemos conquistar o poder, devemos destruir."
-Fight Club
-Bakunin (Anarquia Volume II)
Compartilhamos em nossas redes de amigos (sociais) coisas que nem gostamos fazer ou comer pra obter reconhecimento e curtidas. E compartilhamentos. Poucos são machistas no feminismo e poucos tem fé numa terra onde a intolerância e a ignorância são moda.
Poucos são capazes de dizer sim quando todos dizem não e vice-versa .
O certo continua sendo certo mesmo que ninguém faça, e o errado mesmo que todos façam.
Poucos compartilham o que realmente gostam. Sou um deles.
Gosto de escrever: sobre tudo e sobre todos. Certamente, o melhor assunto de uma pessoa é ela mesma. Porém, me esforço pra adentrar os universos de outros e escrever um pouco deles, sem invadir.
Estou aqui pra navegar, nesse mar que se afasta cada vez mais desse seu olhar, mar.
Quando vocês perceberem, já terei ido. Já estarei longe.
Uma vez me disseram que eu era muito especial, uma joia. Essa pessoa nem fala mais comigo.
Não vou cometer o erro de passar mais um aniversário sozinho. Estarei cheio de mim mesmo, só assim, poderei transbordar de outras pessoas.
Onde estará sua joia, seu leão e seu príncipe? Quando já tiver ido embora.
Estou numa viagem sem volta, escreverei de longe, pra vocês.
-english version-
Nobody knows each other:
"There must be everyone crazy here".
We can't wait any less from a waiting room for a psychiatrist.
Everyone stare each other in the empty hope to identify the craziness around.
-Would not it be more prudent to stare at your own belly?
It's 10:25AM, there are 5 people before me to get in and my scheduled time was 10:15. The doctor
still have not show up. Congrats Dr. Filipe!!!
Craziness, by Foucault, is the absence of reality and conformity. Beside
the lack of logic. In one of his books, we can realize the change from a society which discipline to
a vigilant society. Where the social panopticism, cage architecture lead us to work voluntarily to someone which will slave us. That is worse than slavery and dark age worship because we work to who we don't want in jobs we don't like to buy things we don't wish to make happy people we do not love.
That is insane.
The disciplinary institutions control our time and our bodies, and we allow!
"We must not conquest power, we must destroy it."
-Fight club.
-Bakunin (Anarchy Vol II)
We share in our friends web (social networks) things that we do not even like to do or eat to get likes.
And shares. Few are male chauvinists in times of feminism and few have faith in times where intolerance and ignorance is on trend.
Few say yes when everyone says no or vice-versa.
The right keeps being right even if nobody does, and what's wrong keeps being wrong even if everybody does.
Few share what really like. I'm one of them.
I like to write: about everything and about everyone. For sure, the best topic for someone is itself. Although, I really effort to get into another universes and write about them, without invasion.
When you guys realize, I will be gone. I will be far.
Sometime someone told me I was very special, a jewel. This person does not even talk to me anymore. Funny.
I will not take the mistake to spend another birthday alone. I will be full of myself, only that way, to be able to get more than fulfilled of other people.
Where will be your jewel, your lion and prince? When I am gone.
I am in a trip with no turning back, and I will write from far, to you.
-english version-
Nobody knows each other:
"There must be everyone crazy here".
We can't wait any less from a waiting room for a psychiatrist.
Everyone stare each other in the empty hope to identify the craziness around.
-Would not it be more prudent to stare at your own belly?
It's 10:25AM, there are 5 people before me to get in and my scheduled time was 10:15. The doctor
still have not show up. Congrats Dr. Filipe!!!
Craziness, by Foucault, is the absence of reality and conformity. Beside
the lack of logic. In one of his books, we can realize the change from a society which discipline to
a vigilant society. Where the social panopticism, cage architecture lead us to work voluntarily to someone which will slave us. That is worse than slavery and dark age worship because we work to who we don't want in jobs we don't like to buy things we don't wish to make happy people we do not love.
That is insane.
The disciplinary institutions control our time and our bodies, and we allow!
"We must not conquest power, we must destroy it."
-Fight club.
-Bakunin (Anarchy Vol II)
We share in our friends web (social networks) things that we do not even like to do or eat to get likes.
And shares. Few are male chauvinists in times of feminism and few have faith in times where intolerance and ignorance is on trend.
Few say yes when everyone says no or vice-versa.
The right keeps being right even if nobody does, and what's wrong keeps being wrong even if everybody does.
Few share what really like. I'm one of them.
I like to write: about everything and about everyone. For sure, the best topic for someone is itself. Although, I really effort to get into another universes and write about them, without invasion.
When you guys realize, I will be gone. I will be far.
Sometime someone told me I was very special, a jewel. This person does not even talk to me anymore. Funny.
I will not take the mistake to spend another birthday alone. I will be full of myself, only that way, to be able to get more than fulfilled of other people.
Where will be your jewel, your lion and prince? When I am gone.
I am in a trip with no turning back, and I will write from far, to you.
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