Caro leitor, sinto-lhe informar mas esse texto não é pra você.
É quase que um grito de socorro, um desabafo, uma mensagem, um apelo.
Sinto-lhe desencorajar a ler isso, a não ser que você seja ela.
Eu vou resumir aqui a história de uma vida, até duas. Você provavelmente não vai entender, assim como eu não entendi. Mas vou tentar te fazer sentir o que eu senti.
Sim, nós acabamos. Mas o blog deve continuar, a história sempre continua. O tempo definitivamente não pára.
Já são quase sete da manhã e eu nem sei como peguei no sono essa noite. Ainda lembro do seu perfume, do seu telhado; seu universo.
Lembro como te carreguei nas costas aquele dia e hoje não vai ser diferente, nunca vai ser.
Foram risadas, sorrisos, cervejas, piadas (muito mal-contadas).
Depois mais cervejas, sorrisos e risadas.
Um pouco mais de risadas, sorrisos e cervejas.
(Não necessariamente nessa ordem)
Depois foram saudades, visitas, presentes e até
Presentes, saudades e visitas.
Vou poupar vocês da repetição.
É que eu sou bom nisso: repetir os mesmos erros.
Essa noite lembrei da tatuagem que queria fazer, com o símbolo do teu signo com um "proibido" por cima.
Seria hilário né?
Eu acho que sintetizei o que aconteceu entre a gente.
Leitor, perdoe a minha arrogância pressupondo que esse texto não era pra você, talvez você até se identifique. Nossa história não foi uma história qualquer, mas foi qualquer história.
Eu achei que nunca ia ter coragem pra dizer isso mas;
Apesar de achar que cada pessoa no mundo é completamente única e especial;
Existem outras, honey.
Meus textos vão mudar de destinatário, que eu queria que rimasse com remetente pra
Quem sabe um dia eu volte a falar da gente
Esse a gente que nunca sequer existiu
Vou te carregar nas minhas costas.
-English Version-
Dear reader, I am very sorry to inform you but this following text is not to you.
It's almost like a scream for help, an outflow , a message, an appeal.
I am sorry to not encourage you to read this, unless you're her.
I will resume here the story of a life, perhaps two. You won't probably understand it, just like I didn't.
Yeah, we are done. But this blog shall continue, the story always does. Time definitively never stops.
It's almost seven AM and I still didn't realize how I could sleep. I still remember your smell, your roof;Your universe.
I remember how I carried you in my back that day and today won't be different, It'll never be.
There were laughs, smiles, beers, jokes (really badly-told)
After that more beers, smiles and laughs.
A little more laughs, smiles and beers.
(Not specifically at this order)
Then "I miss you's", visits, gifts and even
Gifts, "I miss you's" and visits.
I will spare you from all this repetition.
It's because I am very good at: Repeating the same mistakes over and over.
This night I remembered that tattoo I wanted to do, that forbidden symbol with your zodiac inside of it.
It would be hilarious, right?
I think I just summarized what happened between us.
Reader, I am sorry for my arrogance when I supposed this text was not destined to you, perhaps you can even identify with it. Our story was not an ordinary story, but it was.
I thought I would never be man enough to say this but;
Even though I think every person on this world is completely unique and special;
There are others, honey.
My texts are going to change its receiver
maybe someday I come back to right about us
This "us" which never even existed
I will carry you in back.
Dear reader, I am very sorry to inform you but this following text is not to you.
It's almost like a scream for help, an outflow , a message, an appeal.
I am sorry to not encourage you to read this, unless you're her.
I will resume here the story of a life, perhaps two. You won't probably understand it, just like I didn't.
Yeah, we are done. But this blog shall continue, the story always does. Time definitively never stops.
It's almost seven AM and I still didn't realize how I could sleep. I still remember your smell, your roof;Your universe.
I remember how I carried you in my back that day and today won't be different, It'll never be.
There were laughs, smiles, beers, jokes (really badly-told)
After that more beers, smiles and laughs.
A little more laughs, smiles and beers.
(Not specifically at this order)
Then "I miss you's", visits, gifts and even
Gifts, "I miss you's" and visits.
I will spare you from all this repetition.
It's because I am very good at: Repeating the same mistakes over and over.
This night I remembered that tattoo I wanted to do, that forbidden symbol with your zodiac inside of it.
It would be hilarious, right?
I think I just summarized what happened between us.
Reader, I am sorry for my arrogance when I supposed this text was not destined to you, perhaps you can even identify with it. Our story was not an ordinary story, but it was.
I thought I would never be man enough to say this but;
Even though I think every person on this world is completely unique and special;
There are others, honey.
My texts are going to change its receiver
maybe someday I come back to right about us
This "us" which never even existed
I will carry you in back.
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